Many of our seeds are not for sale anywhere else. Our Spring Sale closes at midnight on Sunday 19th May.
For customers in the EU and worldwide, please read our Terms & Conditions before ordering.
We only offer the freshest, home-grown seed. All our seed has been collected from plants open pollinated in our nursery, which are grown in peat-free, vegan compost and without the use of chemicals. We send orders in recyclable, no-plastic padded envelopes. Seeds are packed in glassine envelopes. Larger orders from UK customers are sent in 'large letter' boxes that will fit through a standard letterbox.
We provide brief growing instructions on each seed packet. Please see item page for full growing instructions as we no longer include printed instructions with orders to save paper.
Seed packets can be bought simply by adding items to the shopping cart. Our delivery rates can be found here.
Many of our seeds are not for sale anywhere else. Our Spring Sale closes at midnight on Sunday 19th May.
For customers in the EU and worldwide, please read our Terms & Conditions before ordering.
We only offer the freshest, home-grown seed. All our seed has been collected from plants open pollinated in our nursery, which are grown in peat-free, vegan compost and without the use of chemicals. We send orders in recyclable, no-plastic padded envelopes. Seeds are packed in glassine envelopes. Larger orders from UK customers are sent in 'large letter' boxes that will fit through a standard letterbox.
We provide brief growing instructions on each seed packet. Please see item page for full growing instructions as we no longer include printed instructions with orders to save paper.
Seed packets can be bought simply by adding items to the shopping cart. Our delivery rates can be found here.
Seed Sale
Achillea arabica ex. Kyrgyzstan
Actaea japonica 'Cheju Do'
Adenophora sp. BO-15-008
Allium cyathophorum var. farreri
Allium hookeri ex. ACE2430
Allium wallichii
Allium wallichii CLD 1500
Allium wallichii Deep Burgundy Black W/O-9049
Angelica pubescens BSWJ5593
Angelica sinensis Dang Quai
Angelica sylvestris 'Vicar's Mead’
Angelica taiwaniana
Anisodus luridus HWJK2252
Aquilegia yabeana W/O-7020
Aster scaber (Doellingeria scabra) W/O-9268
Begonia hemsleyana ex. China
Begonia palmata ex. 'Lime Green'
Berkheya radula
Boehmeria japonica var. tenera
Buddleja albiflora BO-15-041
Buddleja davidii W/O-9010
Buddleja davidii from Yunnan W/O-9270
Buddleja myriantha W/O-9270
Buddleja nivea var. yunnanensis
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chelidonium majus ‘Flore Pleno’
Cirsium aomorense ex. Japan
Cirsium botryodes W/O-9092
Cirsium chlorolepsis W/O-9309
Cirsium eriophorum Woolly Thistle
Cirsium heterophyllum Melancholy Thistle
Clematis rehderiana BO-16-026
Clinopodium gracile
Codonopsis clematidea
Dipsacus asperoides Japanese Teasel (Xu Duan)
Dipsacus inermis Himalayan Teasel
Geranium dahuricum W/O-9125
Geranium eriostemon
Geranium hayatanum B&SWJ164
Geranium koraiense BSWJ797
Geranium suzukii NMWJ14518
Geranium thunbergii Pink Flowered Form
Heracleum sphondylium 'Pink Cloud'
Hieracium spilopaeum Leopard Spotted Hawkweed
Impatiens aff. falcifer CC
Inula rhizocephala
Iris setosa with Ink Black Seed Pods
Leonurus cardiaca Motherwort
Leonurus cardiaca ex. Cally Gardens Motherwort
Ligusticum scoticum Scottish Lovage
Melanoseris atropurpurea BWJ7891
Melanoseris atropurpurea W/O-8108
Melanoseris cyanea W/O-9171
Mitella stylosa PB 04-301
Myrrhis odorata Sweet Cicely
Onopordum bracteatum
Papaver popovii ex. Tajikistan
Patrinia villosa